Many of us across the UK and in fact across the world continue to be quarantined at home due to the current pandemic. Despite our lives being governed by rules and regulations people are still continuing to fall in love. Many of you may have just got engaged over the festive period, if you have, huge congratulations. Whilst it does feel like ‘groundhog day’ again on a daily loop, now is the time to start making your lists and getting your wedding plans in place.
Wedding Planning and Organisation During Lockdown
Weddings take a very long time to organise, in fact, many hours and it can feel like a full-time job! So, if you are now trying to work out what you are going to do with your spare time during lockdown, this is your time to get wedding planning. Start writing those lists, creating those spreadsheets and researching suppliers.
Wedding Inspiration on Pinterest
I only properly started to use Pinterest over the last twelve months and it really helped to shape the branding that I wanted for my Celebrant business. If you are struggling to get inspired, I would highly recommend spending some time getting familiar with this platform. It is so easy to do, grab a cuppa or a glass of wine during a quieter evening and start to create some mood boards. If you are struggling with the vision, colour scheme or simply just feel overwhelmed by all there is to do, Pinterest is a great starting point.
Wedding Venues
There is always lots of competition to secure your ideal venue, so don’t leave this until you are free to physically visit venues post lockdown, as it may be too late to secure your dream venue. There is going to be a huge demand for venues later this year and going into 2022/23.
Many venues are offering virtual tours, and this is brilliant and intermediary step to choosing where you are going to have your very special day. So, once you have done your research and listed your top venues, reach out to them and book your virtual tour. This is a list of some of my favourite venues in the South-West.
Whatley Manor –
Pennard House –
Charlton Weddings –
Park Weddings Bath –
The Royal Crescent Bath –
The Orangery at Goldney House –
Celebrant led Weddings
If you have chosen to have a Celebrant led wedding, again this is a brilliant time to research and book your ideal Celebrant. You can find a fantastic directory of Celebrants be researching on the Celebrant Directory –
Even though you may not be physically able to meet your Celebrant, you can start your initial discussions via telephone and zoom. In addition, this is the perfect time to research the readings and content for your ceremony. With the guidance of your Celebrant, you can also start to think about your wedding vows, rather than leave them to the very last minute!
Wedding Hair & Make Up
We are all very much missing being able to go to the hairdressers and visit our favourite beauty suppliers. What is apparent however is the transition that these suppliers have made in the last twelve months in order to still be able to advise their clients.
So again, during lockdown if you have researched your hairdresser and or beauty supplier that you would like for your wedding day, make contact and see if they are able to offer you an online tutorial. They are great fun and something to look forward to during that extra spare time you might have during lockdown. Please check out these two very lovely hair and beauty stylists based in the Bristol area if you need extra inspiration.
Leanne Biggs –
By Sarah Kate –
Final Tips for Planning a Wedding During Lockdown
I have touched on just a few things that you can start to think about for wedding planning during lockdown, but this list extends so much further than the ones that I have listed. You can reach out to cake makers, photographers, wedding couture, florists and the list goes on. So, get writing those lists and creating those spreadsheets as the world will return back to normal sooner rather than later and you will be fully prepared for your very special day!